Index of organisations
Agenzia informazioni e sicurezza esterna (AISE) - Italian foreign intelligence
Agenzia informazioni per la sicurezza interna (AISI) - Italian domestic intelligence
Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst (AIVD) - General Intelligence and Security Service of the Netherlands, 2002-
Aman - Israeli Military Intelligence
British Security Coordination - UK's Western Hemisphere intelligence organisation 1940-45
British Services Security Organisation (Germany)
Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) - German federal security agency
Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) - German foreign intelligence
Canadian Security Intelligence Service 1984-
Directorate of Operations: Counterintelligence Staff 1954-88, Africa Division, Central Eurasia Division (former Soviet East Europe Division), East Asia Division, European Division, Latin American Division (former Western Hemisphere Division), Near East and South Asia Division
Central Intelligence Group - CIA precursor 1946-47
Consortium for the Study of Intelligence
Counter Terrorism Group - European security liaison
Defence Intelligence (UK)
Defense Intelligence Agency (US)
Delhi Intelligence Bureau 1888-1947 - British organisation in Colonial India.
Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure (DGSE) - French foreign intelligence 1982-
Egyptian General Intelligence Service (EGIS)
European Union Intelligence and Situation Centre (EU INTCEN)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - US law enforcement and security agency.
Fluency Committee - MI5/MI6 counterintelligence 1965-71
FSB - Russian Federal Security Service
GCHQ - British sigint agency
Indian Political Intelligence - Intelligence branch of Britain’s colonial era India Office.
Information Research Department - British covert propaganda 1948-77
Intelligence Bureau (India) - main domestic security agency
Irish Joint Section - MI5/MI6 unit 1972-84
KGB - Soviet Committee for State Security 1954-91
Residencies: Canberra, Dublin, London, Washington DC
Ministry of Intelligence and Security (Iran)
Ministry of State Security (China)
Mossad - Israeli foreign intelligence
Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) - US intelligence oversight 2005-
Office of Strategic Services (OSS) - US Second World War intelligence agency 1941-45
Palestinian General Intelligence Service
Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) - Indian foreign intelligence 1968-
Secret Intelligence Service (SIS or MI6)
Central and Eastern Europe Controllerate, Directorate of Counter-Intelligence and Security 1964-1990s, Directorate of Personnel and Administration, Directorate of Requirements and Production, Directorate of Security and Public Affairs, Europe Controllerate, Global and Functional Controllerate, Middle East and Africa Controllerate, Middle East Controllerate 1966-1990s;
Stations: Algiers - Amman - Athens - Baghdad - Beijing - Beirut - Berlin - Bonn - Bucharest - Cairo - Geneva - Hong Kong - Kuwait - Lusaka - Montevideo - Moscow - Nairobi - New York - Pretoria - Rome - Singapore - Tehran - Tel Aviv - Warsaw - Washington DC - Yangon
Security and Intelligence Agency (SOA) - Croatian intelligence 2006-
Security Intelligence Far East (SIFE) 1946-63 - MI5 regional headquarters
Security Intelligence Middle East (SIME) 1939-58 - regional arm of British intelligence
Defence Security Officers and Security Liaison Officers, Deputy Director General of the Security Service (MI5), MI5 Distribution of Duties - November 1918, MI5 officers 1909-19, MI5 Structure 1929
A Branch MI5 - operational support 1953-
B Branch MI5 1938-53 - counterespionage and counter-subversion, B Branch MI5 1953- personnel and security
C Branch MI5 1938-94 - protective security
D Branch MI5 1938-53 - protective security, D Branch MI5 1953-68 - counterespionage, D Branch MI5 1994 - non-terrorist threats
E Branch MI5 - disambiguation, E Branch MI5 Port Control 1915-, E Division MI5 Alien Control 1941-, E Branch MI5 - Overseas Counter-subversion 1953-71
F Branch MI5 1953-88 - countersubversion
G Branch MI5 - international counter-terrorism,
H Branch MI5 - corporate affairs,
K Branch MI5 - counter-espionage 1968-94
S Branch MI5 - support services 1976-c.1994
T Branch MI5 - domestic and Irish counter-terrorism
Service de Documentation Extérieure et de Contre-Espionnage (SDECE) - French foreign intelligence 1945-82
Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Militare (SISMI) - Italian military intelligence 1977-2007
Shin Bet - Israel Security Agency
State Security Service (Qatar)
Strategic Services Unit - US War Department intelligence unit 1945-46
SVR - Russian Foreign Intelligence Service